In a shocking turn of events, Aurors Frank and Alice Longbottom were subjected to a night of torment by unidentified assailants, believed to be rogue Death Eaters. The pair was rescued this morning, but their attackers remain at large, leaving a lingering sense of dread within the wizarding community.
The only clue to the culprits' identity is the Dark Mark they cast over the location where the Longbottoms were held captive. Their memories of the attack are shrouded, and the hope now rests on St. Mungo's healers to restore the vital details needed for the investigation. As of now, the Aurors assigned to the case face a daunting task with minimal leads.
Augusta Longbottom, the mother of Frank Longbottom, expressed her fury at the perpetrators. "The goons who did this ought to hope the Ministry gets to them before I do. Frank and Alice are two of the best Aurors the Ministry has ever seen."
Department Head Bartemius Crouch, who once worked closely with the Longbottoms during his tenure as Head Auror, echoed Mrs. Longbottom's sentiments. "You couldn't find two better people to have at your back. Rest assured, the Magical Law Department will do everything in its power to arrest the criminals responsible as swiftly as possible."
The specter of Lord Voldemort's return looms over the incident, prompting concerns about the resurgence of dark forces. Crouch dismisses such fears, attributing the attack to potential revenge-seeking individuals associated with Death Eaters currently incarcerated in Azkaban. However, this rationale offers little solace to those yearning for an era of peace after You-Know-Who's defeat.
The unsettling question remains: is this a mere isolated incident, or does it signal a darker undercurrent threatening to disrupt the fragile tranquility the wizarding world has struggled to regain? The ominous reappearance of the Dark Mark suggests that vigilance is paramount, and anyone with information is urged to contact the Witch Watchers Hotline.
see page 8 for more
O jogo de caça-palavras, ou sopa de letras, é um passatempo que consiste de letras arranjadas aparentemente aleatórias em uma grade quadrada ou retangular. O objetivo do jogo é encontrar e circundar as palavras escondidas na grade tão rapidamente quanto possível. As palavras podem estar escondidas verticalmente, horizontalmente ou diagonalmente dentro da grade.
As palavras são arranjadas normalmente de modo que possam ser lidas da esquerda para a direita ou de cima para baixo, sendo que em passatempos de maior dificuldade também pode ocorrer o oposto.
Estratégia:A melhor estratégia para se encontrar todas as palavras é fazer uma varredura no passatempo da esquerda para a direita (ou vice-versa) e procurar a primeira letra da palavra (se uma lista de palavras é fornecida).
Respostas: Lord Voldermort, Dumbledore, Severo Snape, Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Pirraça, Hagrif, Lumus, Rony Weasley
CRABBE - To Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Crabbe, 17th February 1957, a girl. 7 pounds 7 ounces